Hiroshima International University Library


巨瀬勝美編著. -- 共立出版, 2004. <BB00119011>
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0001 HIU1H HI general books 427.8||K 31000122 available for lending 0items
No. 0001
Library HIU1H
Location HI general books
Call No 427.8||K
Material ID 31000122
In-Lib only available for lending
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area コンパクトMRI / 巨瀬勝美編著
コンパクト MRI
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 共立出版 , 2004.11
physical description area ix, 196p : 挿図 ; 22cm
Volume Information
ISBN 432004374X
variant titles 背表紙タイトル:Compact MRI
note 引用文献: 各章末
NCID BA69690340
text language code Japanese
author link 巨瀬, 勝美(1953-)||コセ, カツミ <AU10075032>
subject headings 原子核磁気共鳴||ゲンシカクジキキョウメイ
subject headings MRI