Hiroshima International University Library


2巻10号 (1975.11)-. -- エムイー振興協会, 1975. <ZW20000600>
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Collective HoldingsList 1-3 of about 3

Showing Holdings Listing with Search conditions
Search conditions: (Library=HIU1H+HIU3H+HIUKB)

No. Library Location Location2 Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 HIU1H HI bound journal 492.8/G 26(4-12), 27(1-4, 6-12), 28-37, 38(1-3), 42-51 1999-2024
0002 HIU3H H3 magazines H3 bound journal 44-50, 51(1-12) 2017-2024 Accession continuing
0003 HIU3H H3 stacks H3 bound journal 23(5), 25(2, 4-12), 26(1-3), 38(4-12), 39-43 1996-2016
No. 0001
Library HIU1H
Location HI bound journal
Call No 492.8/G
Volume 26(4-12), 27(1-4, 6-12), 28-37, 38(1-3), 42-51
Available Years/Months 1999-2024
Accession status
No. 0002
Library HIU3H
Location H3 magazines
Location2 H3 bound journal
Call No
Volume 44-50, 51(1-12)
Available Years/Months 2017-2024
Accession status Accession continuing
No. 0003
Library HIU3H
Location H3 stacks
Location2 H3 bound journal
Call No
Volume 23(5), 25(2, 4-12), 26(1-3), 38(4-12), 39-43
Available Years/Months 1996-2016
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and author 月刊新医療
ゲッカン シンイリョウ
Volumes and Years of Serial 2巻10号 (1975.11)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : エムイー振興協会
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 産業科学株式会社新医療事業部 (発売) , 1975-
variant titles 裏表紙タイトル:新医療
シン イリョウ
NCID AN00074015
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Monthly
ISSN 09107991
relation bibliography link 継続前誌 :医療と産業 = The magazine of medical industry||イリョウ ト サンギョウ <SB99044851>
author link エム・イー振興協会||エム・イー シンコウ キョウカイ <AU00015246>